Saturday, February 19, 2011

Church Fundraiser Letters Sample

What satisfaction! Total white

The promise I made when I fixed the blog was to keep it updated.
In fact, if you do not need anything, just wasting time.
This new look of my blog has started to give me his first successes.
One was found between the reports of blogger Planeta up Silvana Modern Revolutions.
Silvana Today I won a prize, the "Liebster Blog", whose aim is to introduce little-known blog, or just born.
; ;
Here are steps to climb onto the stage and collect the prize:

1) accept the award and write a post on it (fatto!)
2) to send the prize to 3 / 5 blog worthy, but still little known ;
3) insert in the post a link to the person who / gave you the award.

I decided to present these five blogs:

I hope you will enjoy them as they liked me!


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