Yes, ok, a post for halloween is super obvious, but to me this holiday I create many problems in education.
I am against Halloween in Italy and in any other country that has a vague Celtic culture.
I am not against Halloween in and of itself (although even in America has lost the source of this tradition), but in Italy only to carry it in fashion, merely for commercial purposes and for a pro-Americanism of convenience.
Every nation has its culture, its traditions. . .
Halloween here we do not make sense.
It makes no sense in schools do chores for Halloween and even gives you a small explanation of why and how there is this''festival''.
already have been lost over time because of our parties do not understand the need to add more plus foreign.
For example, years ago was set November 30 as a holiday in Tuscany. This year has been made to disappear.
Sorry, but if you sing praises to November 30 so why is the date on which Tuscany abolished the death penalty
1) why do not you do something well in school due to the fact (I was still in school when it was established 3 ° o4 upper secondary school and no deigned to explain why this party-which as I support the death penalty-is an event important enough to talk about in class)
2) because it takes away even after 10 years
idea is that you are talking about Halloween at school, at the hour of English by making a nice little work on, but stop.
The doubt arises because we want education that were not so halloweenante Samu, no mask, not go around doing trick or treat''.''
But it will be tough and unfortunately we believe that we should adapt.
Halloween is taking hold in schools too and we will not make him feel''different''or''outsider'', but at least explain why.
If someone has managed to stem the rampant Halloween without trauma to the nano, tell me how I did it!
In the meantime, we hope it's a fad like the other end and soon forgotten.